Friday, 30 May 2014

Sweet Treats - Samples - OPAM

Been a busy half term and not blogged as much as I thought I was going to but earlier in the week I did manage to make up some project samples for next September.  I am not actually writing the project but I said I would make up some samples to see if an idea was possible in fabric.
See what you think.
Some iced doughnuts, two made from felt and Stitch and the third has been made from painted white cotton to see if a wider range of materials could be used as felt can be quite expensive.  The sprinkles are literally made by adding seed stitch with coloured threads.
A first go at a lollipop which may need more work, plus a candy sweet and a Humbug.  These are possibly the style that most of the students will be drawn to.  The fabric can be drawn or painted with much of the detail needed, with some stitch to extend the appearance and then stitched together and stuffed.
These did not take long and were really made out of scraps with some paint, stitch and felt and is one of the aspects of project planning that I love.
I have many more ideas but I now need to move on to some marking and report writing (completed three sets already).
I do need to write the project for a landscapes module which is textiles based as my subject has been "Altered" at work and that is all I am prepared to say here about it.
I am thinking hand stitch, applique and free machine embroidery, texture, paint etc.  I shall let you now how I get on with that.
I also hope to finish the Crochet WIP I showed you a couple of weeks ago as I am thinking of having a holiday giveaway in the next few weeks as I missed doing one for my Blogaversary (have I spelt that right?) last September due to other things going on.  Life used to be so much simpler once upon a time.............
Hope this week has treated you well.
Been lovely weather here in Cornwall.


Ali said...

Oh my word I am so impressed with these. When I saw the little pic in the blogger dashboard I thought your doughnuts were the real thing. They look amazing I'm sure your students would love to make some of these.
Ali xx

Ali said...

Oh my word I am so impressed with these. When I saw the little pic in the blogger dashboard I thought your doughnuts were the real thing. They look amazing I'm sure your students would love to make some of these.
Ali xx

Lynn said...

Oh, I just love the donuts! What a great idea! Can I copy it? I love doing felt projects and I have a ton of felt. It just seems like I never have time!

Keep up the good work!

BumbleBri said...

How adorable! I just LOVE making felt sweets. I am always so happy when I see them. These look so delicious :-) Happy Weekend!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

They are so good....

Tatkis said...

Cute doughnuts and sweets! Looks delicious :)


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