Tuesday, 9 April 2013

It has been a week!!!!!

I may not exactly have Happy Feet but it has been a week since my hip injection and I do have a Happy Hip!!
I have been doing as advised and testing it out to see where my pain thresholds might be.  This has included stairs, walking, walking in woods with uneven ground and slopes and dips.  I have been getting in and out of various cars without falling over or being in much, if any pain at all.    I have attempted some gardening, walking in crowds, which can be hard going when the hip is bad, without any problems at all.  I have sat, stood, crouched down etc and a part from one incident it has been a massive improvement!!

I can get my socks etc on without any problems but I do need to sit down when getting boots on, still a little weak and wobbly for that task.

I will have a follow up appointment in the middle of May and I am going to bring up the topic of possibly having the other hip looked at as well.  Even that has improved, probably due to me walking much better over the past week or so.

The NHS is wonderful and we are so lucky to have it!!
I have been working on my Textile exam piece today and Sophie is off out with a friend tomorrow so I can spend all day on it if needed.
Will yo be watching the Great British Sewing Bee 8pm BBC 2?  It got mixed reviews last week but the show should be given a chance to grow.
Take care all


dottycookie said...

Oh that's great news! Hurrah!

Chookyblue...... said...

glad to hear things have gone well.....so worth getting the injection..........

Ally said...

I know that a lot of people moan about the NHS, but it's not until you need them that you realise how good they are! Happy recovering :)

Lynne said...

Jane I am so glad you are reaping some benefit from the injection - long may it continue!

Indigo Blue said...

Many thanks for your support ladies. Just not sure who Jane is?

Daisie said...

So gald it has been a success, I hope the improvement continues :)

Anonymous said...

What good news, I am so glad that you are feeling good effects from the injection.

Ali said...

I was thrilled to hear that the injections have been a success. It's like following a journey with your hip, wondering what will happen to it next. I hope it continues to improve. Take care.
Ali x

Carol said...

That is excellent news, so pleased to read you have had such a brilliant result.
Carol xx

Tatkis said...

Great news! Hope the progress would be even better!


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