Sunday, 10 February 2013

Keep your fingers crossed ladies.......

.......tomorrow at 9.20am I shall finally be talking to a consultant to see what can be done to sort out my hip, improve my walking and enable me to sleep more often without some form of pain waking me up.
Oh and to stop needing the painkillers that I have been taking since the middle of November.  Although I have only been taking one instead of two....could be a reason why the sleep is affected but I do not like taking tablets and nearly 4 months seems too long.
I am dreading being told, however, that there is.....

*nothing we can do
*it is not significantly bad enough for treatment
* come back and see us in 6 months/1 year and so on.
*You are not old enough for the treatment currently available.......

Hopefully I am worrying about nothing and a solution of some kind will be found.

So all together now.....
cross them now.....
(wish me luck)
Take care all


Chookyblue...... said...

goodluck.........I hope their decisions are what can really help you...........

Ali said...

Hope everything goes well and you get some positive advice. Ali x

Carol said...

Everything is "corseds" for a good outcome.
Carol xx

Anonymous said...

Fingers firmly crossed for you. I hope you have a result.

Tatkis said...

Good luck Andrea!
Will keep my fingers crossed :)


dottycookie said...

Hope all goes well and you get some answers.

joanna said...

Hi So sorry to hear you have been in pain and I hope you get everything sorted. Jo (joannabags x)

Joanna said...

Hi so sorry to hear you have bee in so much pain. I hope you that today brings useful feedback. regards Jo (joannabags)

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