Saturday, 24 March 2012

Craft Fair .....

I have just returned from a fairly successful craft fair.  Every time I go what I sell changes.  Last time it was lots of small things to a lot of people and today it was larger items to much fewer customers!
I have signed up for another in July.
The weather is gorgeous today and with several other events going on I think custom was down.
I have just altered by Etsy shop as I sold a couple of bags which I had listed there, but I have added the one above. I sold a blue version of this today and the lady said that she was going to use it as a peg bag!!
A rather posh peg bag but whatever floats your boat etc.  Several bags were bought for Easter presents rather than sending money or chocolate and several business cards were asked for as well.

Now this craft fair is out of the way i am now going to request that my website is started.

Pricing is still an eternal issue.  One lady said that one of my slouchy bags cost more than they do in the shops.  At £5.00 with IKEA fabric and lined with 100% cotton fabric I doubt it very much.  Then another lovely lady said that my prices seemed too cheap.  I do not know if my prices are right or not I just try to cover costs and think would I pay for that, offer something that is very well made and that you will NOT find in the shops.  My bags are completely recyclable should you wish to in the future and above all are 
So, I am now going to sort out some paperwork, plan for July and take some pictures of new bags to go on Etsy.
Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

I wonder why people think that because something is hand-made it must be cheaper to buy? We know that it costs more to make things by hand rather than by mass production. Te bag in your picture looks more than £5.00 to me.

Tatkis said...

It seems that your had great time at the show (and there always someone who thinks that your goods are too expensive - don't pay attention!)

Your bags are so cute! I love mine ;)


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