Google images 2009
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. To blog visitors whether you are a regular or y9u have stumbled on my blog by mistake. To all of the followers who have clicked in the side bar, ( I do try and return the visit but blogger can be a bit difficult about that, not sure why). Plus anyone who visits and I may not know that you do.

As for New year resolutions? Well, I think this year I will not make any as they are often side tracked with other things going on and by the time you get to February more important issues have often come up, haven't they? Therefore, I shall keep quiet on them this year and see what happens.
So Happy New year all and I shall be back with pictures of my holiday trip.
Best wishes
Happy New Year to you too!!
Jo xx
Happy new year to you and yours!
Josie & family x
Happy New Year, hugs xx
Happy New Year to you also! I look forward to following your blog and learning a lot from you this year!
Happy New Year, I hope you have a fab and restful holiday.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Yvonne x
Happy New Year to you and yours, I don't believe in resolutions either :)
twiggy x
a very happy new year to you - i have decided not to do resolutions either as i never keep them!
yes of course you can put pictures of the christmas stocking swap on flickr, thanks for taking the time to arrange it, I really enjoyed making the stocking and Louise's stocking was just gorgeous!
Josie x
Happy New Year...and Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. (I looove Italy!) Looking forward to seeing your holiday snaps. =)
Happy New Year! Glad you had a great holiday in Italy! Hope the weather was fine, as we've had really bad days during the festive season!
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