Friday, 5 August 2011

Last night after our Chinese we decided to go and walk it off along the sea front.  Sophie took her scooter and hubby and I followed along at a brisk pace!  Again the sunset was lovely.
Last year we bought Sophie a cheap pocket kite from Tesco and she has looked after it and brought it with her.  It has Tinkerbell on it and after a bit of untangling it flew really well.  I struggled to get this picture it was flying so fast.  The amount of giggling and sheer joy that this little plastic kite gave was fantastic.  Children and kites still amaze even today.  Perfect kite flying weather at 8pm!

The beach huts were badly damaged in a storm a few years ago and have all been repaired.  I tried for an artistic picture here, but I have not really managed it have I?  Never mind.  The best beach huts I have ever seen can be found at Southwold on the east coast.  They really are a colourful sight.
I do like these boats which had been left on the beach for the next day.
Our main aim today was to drive over to Ashford and meet up with a friend who I have not seen since my wedding in 1998 and then her wedding in 1992! 
It was quite uncanny, we have ended up with similar hairstyles, we both had purple glasses and we both think that we have stood the test of time quite well for a couple of 41 year olds.  Weird really as we have known each other since we were 4.  We went to the same primary school and were in the same classes.  I moved away just before we were due to go to secondary school and have kept in touch ever since.  We took some up to date pictures as evidence and the four of us just chatted constantly for 6 hours like there had never been 13 years gap.  It was only the second time that our hubby's had ever met.  A really enjoyable afternoon.  We calculated that it is only about 53 miles but due to the winding country roads it took us the best part of two hours to get there!!!  As for the state of the roads well......I shall never again complain about Cornish roads.  It was a good job that my fillings are secure  (sadly I do have fillings despite looking after my teeth) and hubby's car now has a few more rattles than it did before we went.  I was given the task of trying to work out where a certain whistling sound was coming from.  Has anyone else been given this task?  To be honest I do not care what noises my car makes as long as it goes and stops when I want it to...safely.  I still do not think we have worked out where it is coming from, although I think it is the air vent.  We shall see.
I am really pleased that we went and re-established a link that distance, work and family life has curtailed, but I always think that true friendship can span years without any problem and this was proven today.  We have invited them down to Cornwall anytime and show them the sights and sounds, both of their children have body boards, so hopefully we can return the compliment.

It was on my holiday to do list and I am really delighted that I have achieved it.   We have made a date to meet up again next summer when we are down in Seaford again and next time I am bringing all of the photos that I can find and embrass our children.
My surprise purchase in Brighton was for my friend who is a TA in a primary school, a lovely large Cath Kidston mug with a lovely flower design on it.  Loves tea like me and may take it to work.  Thought it would last longer than flowers.  Sorry no pic as I asked the shop assistant just to pop a bit of tissue paper round and before I knew it she had gift wrapped it!  Lovely of her to do that.  I did not know that you could get Cath Kidston ribbon!
We are now trying to decide what to do tomorrow, this holiday lark is really tiring you know.


Tatkis said...

Oh, this sunset picture is adorable! And it's so nice to meet your old friend again!
We spent today at seaside and that was great :)


Anonymous said...

That's what true friendship is, being able to pick up after many years apart.

Your pictures are lovely.

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