Sophie unfortunately pulled off a button which ripped the fabric on one of her nice cardigans. I managed to repair the hole and stitch the button back on which covered up the mended hole.

This job was made much more fun with this Cath Kidston needle case which I treated myself to. I made my current needlecase about 15 years ago, blue and white cross stitch, it is very grubby and falling apart so needed a replacment.

Pale blue felt pages and a colourful design on the front.
I love using felt anyway, so this jumped out at me last year, I had forgotten that I had bought it, tut, tut.

I shall make another one for carting around to my sewing group etc, but this one will stay by my sewing machine for future mending tasks.
I saw these in the Cath Kidson shop here, but then I saw the price and refused to pay that much for it. It is pretty though.
I bought this in the end of season sale last summer. I too would not pay full price for this but a bargin that is usefull is different. It is strong and will hopefully also last for 15 years.
It's lovely, I would like one too, I've been perusing the Cath Kidston sale, I can't afford full price lol.
Glad you are using it and enjoying it, its so pretty. xx
Lovely needle case, Andrea!
Best wishes,
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