......you tear the house apart for days looking for the charging cable to download important pictures for work, give up, only to then find it once the new one you just ordered to replace it has arrived!

....you buy a DS game and find that you can not get past the demo section, only give to your 8 year old who sorts it out faster than it has taken you to fight your way into the super sealed packaging!

....your hubby carefully takes off the oven door so that you can clean in between the glass panels only to then lose a vital bit on the other side as you hear it clatter to the base of the oven! My lovely double oven is so well made that we could not get to this vital bit so hubby then had to spend time sorting it out so that the door could be re-hang. A 15 minute job took 2.5 hours!
....to have the Internet security expire on your laptop. To purchase your new version, try to upload it to your computer only to have the internet connection fail just as it is reaching the fully installed stage. To, in fact, be up until 12.45am in a desperate bid for it to work to then go to bed having failed. 6 hours of my life gone!
Come home from work, threaten said laptop with all sort of recycling possibilities if this time it does not behave itself to then get it to load up first time!!
...you have survived the laptop problems at home to then go into work the following day only to have the IT plague continue with your work computer. Blasted thing would not load up, let me in with my password etc. Too much on a Monday morning!!

....for one parent to organise a play date for Sophie, the other to give permission to take part in a lantern parade only to discover that out of 365 possible days we have hit on the same day and time! Then spending time having to re-arrange play date without clashing with something else.

......You go out for less than an hour and the cat manages to be sick on your, thankfully zipped up, knitting bag. Despite the fact that he had to climb over magazines, another bag, a cushion and squeeze behind the chair in order to achieve this!!
Well... you gotta keep smiling..............
omg! that is some list, cats are wonderful aren't they, just an hour before we had family visiting the other weekend, one of ours had diarrheoa(sp) and didn't quite make it to the litter tray, this was after I'd got bathed and the house was hoovered,so cue febreze, shake'n'vac and air freshener, the front door open on a freezing cold day and no time to get ready, so I'm sat in my old scruffy clothes when the visitors arrive, hoping the house does not smell of cat poop!
Josie x
Well you've certainly made me smile. Humour is the only way to look at these kind of events. You survived well. xx
What a week!! At least you've kept smiling :o)!!!
This made me smile, especially the cat sick. I was woken to the sound of retching on Sunday morning and of course the lovely Mavis had managed to spew on my boots, the only things that were on an uncharacteristically tidy floor. Have a look at this cross-stitch I made a few months ago, maybe you'd like to copy it!!
wow, thats a lot of smiling going on there!!! It just has to get better doesn't it?
Life is interesting, you can't be bored. My cat has twice found it's paws in white paint and tracked it into my living room. My living room with new carpeting and furniture. How the cat got into the paint was an unbelivable act. But they do manage to find ways.
Thankfully my husband gets over things quickly...paint has been on the furniture for 6 months and he doesn't bring it up. Of course the paint was from one of my projects.
hang in there!
Oh Ladies, your comments made me smile even more. I do think that bloggers do have a special kind of humour. I am often smiling or down right laughing at some of things written about family life.
I shall pop ove3r and look at your cross stitch too, many thanks for the offer. I would just like to say that it has been very quiet this week (tempting fate?) and the cat has not repeated the act.
It seems that once something happens, it's down hill from then on. Tomorrow is another day.
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