Sophie's eye was caught by a rather large box which she wanted me to open and I really had no idea what it was and hubby sat there with a grin on his face as it was from him. I was delighted to find it was a record player that you can plug into you TV, UBS for an MP3 player etc. We are playing some of our records from the 1980's as I type this post. It will get used a lot particularly when Mr Indigo Blue goes radio control car clubbing on Friday's and it will be turned up if Sophie goes with him too.
This arrived yesterday,
Hubby answered the door and asked him by name, two apple trees so we will have to put the fence up in the garden very quickly now as it will need to grow along the fence rather than upwards as a usual tree. He then rang his parents to thank them because it is his birthday next week and one has a birthday tag and one has a Christmas tag and they said glad they have arrived but they are not for you! So I have two apple trees which will go nicely with my blackberry bush. So plenty of jam next year and other apple goodies.
We decided to go to The Eden Project for a meal but it closes at 6pm today so it was lunch instead.

My camera kept steaming up which is why it looks a little foggy.
There was a Christmas mini market and Sophie had a go at candle dipping,
Guess what it is made out of.......
Plastic carrier bags!
We had hoped to stay until the lights came on but Sophie was getting a bit tired and it was drizzling to we decided to go home.
When we got back we all sat down and watched this...
This was the first proper film that Sophie saw at the cinema and the worst bit was the trailers. Even thought there were lots of young kids watching it they still had trailers for films older then their certificated age. Sophie loved it and because she has heard a lot of ABBA in this house she sang her way through most of the film and really enjoyed watching it again tonight.
We had tea and then had some of these,
Only three candles otherwise the plate would melt!
The day went very quickly as it always does and Sophie was very good t going to bed. She was fascinated by the record player and called the records big CD's.
I have nearly finished my blue knitted bag and it has turned out well. It will form part of my new 2009 section in Etsy.
A Christmas thought for you....
Sophie: "What if Father Christmas runs out of wrapping paper? After all he has a lot of presents to wrap."
Mummy: "Oh, he has a wrapping paper machine that is run by one of Elves, he will have plenty."
Sophie (looking at me with suspicion) "Oh, are you sure?"
Mummy: "Yep"
Take care.xx
Happy birthday, hope you're having a great time. We went to Eden on Monday wasn't too bad then.
Happy Christmas.
Yvonne x
Belated Happy Birthday and I hope Santa is good to you too. Sophie is very sweet I hope Santa is good to her tonight too. Have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year!
Happy birthday and a very Merry Christmas
April xx
Happy belated Birthday wishes!
Happy Christmas!xxxx
Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas!! Hugs!
Happy Birthday for yesterday! Hope you are still having a great time!! x
I'm a bit late with the birthday wishes, but glad to hear you had a good day. Hope you're having a wonderful day with your family today.
Happy belated birthday hon,You and your daughter seem to have it all together,even if you do seem bleary eyed...LOL...I just droped by to wish you Merry.May God bless.Hugs Marie
Happy Belated Birthday!
love ya~
Happy Belated Birthday. I hope you had a great Christmas too. I've been to the Eden Project a few years ago, in fact when it first opened, and I love it there. I'm hoping to take my daughter there next time. Thanks for the reminding us of such a wonderfull place.
Have a great New Year
I'm sorry I missed this ~ Happy Belated Birthday!
Your story about Sophie and the wrapping paper made me smile. Little children can be sooo sweet!
I hope you, and your family, have a wonderful New Year!
Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. Sorry I am late with these birthday wishes!!
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