I first 'met' Lise from The Chocolate Cat when we were swap partners in a Cupcake Swap. I was delighted when she signed up for my Christmas Decoration swap too. Then a couple of weeks ago a parcel arrived in the post for me (I love surprise post) and it was in Christmas wrapping paper. I emailed a thank you and said that I would leave it for Christmas Day. So come the 25th I could not wait to open it.....
This is what I found inside! Some lovely napkins which are much more fun than my plain red ones and I am going to use them when our friends come at New Year. Some chocolate and lovely ceramic gingerbread man (Lise also sent me some lovely cupcake ones in the summer too).
A calender of Australia and a local guide to read up on the area which is a great idea and I will remember that one for the future. The calender is going into my sewing room as I often need to know dates etc and have to go downstairs to look at the one in the kitchen. There is also a tour guide for Lise area and if I look at it much more I shall be booking a flight. It looks a gorgeous place to visit and live.
Also some lovely Moda fabric.
I have never actually seen any Moda fabric in my hands before and it really is lovely. This is very generous of Lise to send this and I shall think very carefully about what I shall use it for.
This was totally out of the blue and a really kind thought. Lise said in her card a thank you for organising the swap and she really did not have to do this. I really appreciate Lise thinking of me at this time of year and she has become a blogging friend who has stayed even after the swap had finished. I hope this continues and I wish Lise and her family a Happy New Year and much more visits and links in blogland as we go into 2009.
Best wishes to you all.
What a nice Christmas surprise!
What a lovely surprise! I've never seen that Moda design before either - isn't it fabulous? x
Oh Wow! What a nice gift!
So glad you liked the parcel!
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