Attention was then turned to upstairs. Much work had already been done but due to tricky access prior to the stairs the number of photos reduced. Now is the time for the room itself to take shape.
The above photo I am stood in the attic, the doorway is where the black water tank was in yesterdays post. The frame for the door and walls at the top of the stairs has been started.
This photo shows part of the frame for the new wall and you can just about see the new slimmer water tank behind the wall which will be boxed in with a door for access. The photo next to it is on the other side of the door and you can see a part of one of the storage hatches which is where the christmas tree etc will end up. I have never seen how a wall is constructed before and it was amazing how quickly this went up. All of a sudden everything started to look like a room. There are velux windows in the ceiling but getting these on camera was tricky but will see if Hubby has any photos on his phone.
The new stairs were also boxed in which has left us with an unusal shape but we needed to make sure that there was plenty of headroom coming up the stairs below and anyway it is growing on us and the 'odd' shape sort of fits in with our family!
Plaster board has been added and you can see the base of the stairs. We like open ballistrading as it gives the feeling of open space, but there is quite alot of it to now paint!
The white section was already there and we have been able to match in the old with the new. More tomorrow once I have tracked down the photos as we seem to have them stored in three different places.
WIP progress:
I have finally finished all of the squares for Sophie's quilt and tonight I am going to start cutting up strips ready to sew it together at my sewing club on Wednesday. I am getting quite excited about this one and this quilt has gone together much faster than I thought it would. Today I have also been tinkering with my Etsy shop and added some book covers. I really like them but I will be pleased when they go to a new home as they will get loveingly used. I even braved it and had a little go at my website. I have added a new section and deleted some that I have changed my mind on. More on that tomorrow once I have downloaded some more photos. Plus a feature on one of my blog friends.
Enjoy the evening, a DVD and some wine with a little sewing I think for me.
I love that stair case. Quirky is good. I admire you for doing so much building work. we need stuff done and i am just too scared to start!! good luck with the website. I got a quote last night at the ball for someone to do it all for me. Not bad actually. But then i will have to make stuff to put in it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope the dvd and wine were good
Glad your building work is all coming together now. It looks great from the photos. How have you managed to carry on with your crafting during all of this? The blocks for the quilt look good, I'm sure Sophie willbe over the moon with it.
Wow, lots of progress. It must be so satisfying. Love Sophie's quilt too.
I can't wait for the attic to be completed and see a photo of it. I bet you'll be even happier than I will of course. When I was growing up my parents converted our attic into a lovely bedroom for me with lots of space. It even had a window seat and huge walk-in closet. It was perfect for sleep overs.
oh, wow! sophie's quilt is going to be gorgeous! i love it!
OH!! I can't wait to see the quilt all sewn together!! Maybe it will get me going on my quilt, and you are silly, you work is fabulous! My quilt you can see i got over whelmed with all the small blocks and instead of sashing them as I had intended, I sewed them all into one block to match the size so I could make my cheater blocks of the huge style to take less time, and yet, even after doing that, I STILL haven't finished it! A king sized quilt is so hard to finish.
I love the way the head room makes a unique entrance to your new room, it gives it character! Looking forward to seeing more photos as the work progresses.
I had a feeling you'd been tinkering with your website when I looked in. What do you think of Mr Site, he's a bit temperamental at times isn't he? I try and tinker with mine when I can, although I haven't sold anything yet! Really like the hearts and quilting. x
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