Take a few coloured plastic bags (try to imagine the red and yellow ones) given to me by my students. Cut them up in a spiral then knit them into this..
strippy little handbag with crocheted handles. Then decorated it with a flower corsage. I have entered this into the recycle challenge organised by nannybird and if you are interested in taking part click on her link in the margin of this blog. Deadline is the 29th November.
Now that Picciolo has recieved her prize I can show how it was packaged. With tissue paper in lovely shades of blue, curley ribbon and my own stickers. I did mention in an earlier post that I wanted to follow this up with another variation for the Christmas raffle at the Embroiderers Guild branch that I am a member of. I shall not be taking jam this year..but these instead.
I changed the shape and size of the scissor case as I know that many of the members have quite small scissors. I did seem to mis-judge the positioning of the pincushion pattern on the fabric but more than made up for it with the case. I really love this fabric, it is a bit kath Kidston.
I have plans for these.. will show you tomorrow.
P.S Anyone tried using E-Junkie on their blog?
Have a cosy evening.. off to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix..
Bye x
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morning! we watched harry potter last night,thought it was good! I did start dropping off towards the end but I don't think it was the film. Love your recycled bag, can't wait to see what you do with those keyrings.
: )
Your recycled bag is gorgeous!
The colours are so beautiful and bright. I like the corsage too.
it's a clever purse!
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