Sunday, 8 May 2016

Summer is coming............blossom is opening.

The better weather has encouraged the apple blossom to start to open up.
We need a new fence panel and post just where this fence hugging apple tree is and I have asked Hubby to put off adding it until after the blossom has done its job.
I am now on weather watch because if harsh rain or wind is on the horizon I do go outside and put up an extra large umbrella to help keep those flowers ON the trees!  Mad....I know but for the past two years it has worked!

I have three apple tress which grow along fence panels and I have always had lovely apples from them.  I am not expert and I have had to learn about this and it has been the quirky ideas that seem to have worked the best.
Watch this space for lovely apple pictures and I will watch the blossom!
Have a lovely Sunday.

1 comment:

Ali said...

I love the fact you put up an umbrella to save the tree.
My mum puts out lots of food for the birds but they got
really annoyed with the magpies taking the apples so they
have nailed them down. Now that is mad :)
Hope the weather isn't too bad.

Ali xx

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