Thursday, 3 March 2016

Art Journaling February Challenge - Inspiration Cards

Monthly Challenges

This months challenge over at Jennibellies Art Journaling page was to create 4 inspiration cards of our own choice to add to our art journals at a later date or to simply have on the wall to inspire future work.

I really wanted to try a different apporach and i tthink i may have moved forward with my drawing and painting.
I used watercolour paper for this one and watched lots of Youtube tutorials as I was looking for a more fairytale look with Sproinng coming and some of the books that my daughter and I have been looking at from her younger years.
This is something that i am striving for all of the time and this year I want to try and achieve it on a higher level that i am at present.
Just for the fun of it.............Spring is coming and flowers aare starting to bud and bloom.
One of the reasons for joining this group was to take my art and drawing further whilst still at home and trying to fit it in with my day job.  Also it does give me a chance to drift off  with my paints etc.

Anyone can join this group and you can take part as much or as little as you wish.
Take Care .

My Photographs

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