Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Happy Birthday to ME!!

 Another year has gone by and another birthday appears!  
45!  Not sure I like the ring to it and I can not believe that it is 5 years since I celebrated my 40th in Italy at Christmas which was fantastic!
Above is a close up of my birthday cake last year.  I made it myself and decided to go for a snowflake theme with my own colour scheme based on an idea I saw on The Pink Whisk.
What am I doing this year?  Well, Mum is here and is staying for Christmas as well and I shall be going to Truro to see Robin Hood in Pantomime which should be good for a laugh.  It is the same cast who do it every year and some of the ad libs are great.  Then hopefully find some dinner out afterwards.
A full view of last years cake.
My hubby is sorting out my cake this year and I do not know what it is.  Now in the past I have had some cakes that make you wish your birthday was some other time of the year. Such as a cream bun with a candle, Christmas cake which I was told was doubling up to nothing at all ( not hubby's fault by the way).  However, this year hubby has asked if he could do something for me on his own. 
So you might have figured out that I am writing this in advance and I shall be back to show you what they cake looks like but to let you know about the Panto.  I like a good laugh and to find my inner child at least once a year!

Have a good day.


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

A very happy birthday to you xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I expect you are used to having it so close to Christmas now. I hope you cake is a good one.

Twiggy said...

Belated Happy Birthday, hope you enjoyed the panto and cake !!!
Twiggy x

Jo said...

belated happy birthday, it was hubby's birthday on christmas day! Jo x

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