Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Loom Bands meets Macrame with a Dash of Scoubidou!

 The latest craze for Loom bands (my daughter made me those shown above) reminded me of a craft that I first learnt at primary school, Macrame.  I remember a small group of us were taught how to make a belt and possibly an owl, memory not so sure on that bit, and I included beads etc.  I made it with good quality string and I had that belt for years and years, never wore it as it was too big.  We worked to a pattern rather than body measurements.
Yesterday was unfortunately a wash out as we were caught on the edge of the severe storm that caught the south coast and our planned trip to Brighton was called off.  Just a dash to the shop for milk and bread was carried out.  So what to do.  Sophie had bought her loom bands and loom and we called in to the toy shop the day we arrived to get a few more (would not want her to run out!) and I saw these......
Remember these?  Scoubidou cords.  I have not seen these in ages and then remembered that I have a couple of boxes of these in a cupboard in the garage.  I then thought....Textiles Club!  I have brought my works iPad with me on holiday ( I now I should not have done but it is hard to just stop at the end of term) and planning the schedule for next year.  I did this on paper last year and despite having to cancel a few due to pre-Ofsted meetings, it worked well.  I thought this tiime I would put it on the iPad so it could be altered with a click of a button.
So yesterday I spent time trawling through You tube finding ways to learn just a few knots.  Sophie had done some last year with Brownies but had forgotten.  So we both sat down and had a bit of us time.
However, as you know, when you search on You tube you often get links to other similar crafts and here popped up the macrame.  I thought why not try the scoubie threads (made of hollow plastic) to do macrame with and so the below bracelet emerged.
 I was really pleased how well I remembered this and much easier than the scoubiedou knots that I had given up with after 2 hours of cursing under my breath!
This is usually done with string or cord but did work pretty well with the plastic threads and this was in shades of blue but on closer inspection the following day appears to be pale blue and purple!
A knot and loop fastening applied it is now sitting on my wrist to see how it lasts.
I then went back to the Scoubiedou knots as I did not want to be beaten by plastic strings and found a video on You tube that made a bit more sense..................
I cobbled this together which looks ok but is completely wrong!
I did start a box knot but lost interest as the draw of macrame came forth and I found the Macrame School channel which had loads of ideas.
 The above looks better in person but would make a lovely bracelet.  The plastic threads are not as supple as wool or string but I really would like to use up these Scoubiedou threads!
 These are a traditional Macrame stitch/knot which naturally starts to twist as you make it, really easy but very effective.
This one did not really work with the plastic but again would work better with string so I shall also have string as a material to work with at school.  Due to me doing the school run in September, as Sophie will be joining my school in Year 7, Sophie will attend the club and has already said that she would like to help with this activity and basically join the club as well.
So with some examples made and stored away in my bag I am now off to work on something else for next year involving felt, one of my favourite materials.
Today is much better and we might venture to Brighton and see how it goes.
Has anyone else had a go at Loom Bands or are indeed wearing a bracelet made of them?  Any closet Macrame makers out there with any tips?
Take care.

1 comment:

Indigo Blue said...

I have found my stash of Scoubiedou yarns in the garage so there may be a few more examples in the pipeline!

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