Saturday, 10 May 2014

I have just joined.......

I have just had my membership approved for the above site.   I have been a follower of Jennibellie on Youtube for over two years and visit her blog a lot.  This site is going to have workshops and tutorials and seeing as I have officially finished by A level evening class and not signing up for anything else until September at the earliest, I thought this might be just the ticket.
Hopefully there will also be some swaps in the near future.  This is quite a new site but already it has a lot of followers and members.
I have nearly finished my WIP featured in the last post, in fact I have been fighting to get it straight in to a frame, which I do not usually do but felt it needed it.  it is also my entry for Le Challenge May and OPAM as well.  
At the moment I am watching The Eurovision  Song Contest and our entry has just sung so it is now the long haul called the interval and then the epic scores!

1 comment:

Indigo Blue said...

I forgot to say that you can comment on this site and I have been given my own page. it is very similar to the UK Handmade site, so if you would like and invitation to look but not join up then let me know and I will send a link to be a "Frend" but if you like dabbling with art but need some guidance then this might be for you.

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