Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Watering Hole - Perranporth Beach

Image from Google.
Due to the lovely weather and Henry was not going to his radio control car race club, we decided to go out for tea and somewhere near the sea.  I have been to The Watering Hole before, but not for some time and this venue suddenly popped into my head.
So, once we had got home from school etc we had a little wash and off we went to Perranporth Beach.
We ordered some food, which, when it arrived was way to much to actually eat!  It was glorious weather and was just on the comfortable side of very hot.
image from Google
After the meal we went for a walk along the beach and paddled a little in the water which was very cold but pleasant after a hot day on your feet all day.
Sophie of course took this one stage further.  She paddled a bit and then gradually ended up in the water and absolutely soaked!  She loved every minute of it.  Loves the water does my Sophie and she ended up going home wearing my spare top and sitting on hubby's work overalls.
It was a nice little trip to go on just after work and a change from just sitting in on a Friday night.
We have promised Sophie that we will go again next week but better prepared for example take a towel!!
Hope you have had a lovely weekend, off to a friends house for a BBQ tea this afternoon. Finished and posted my mini swap so some work for the day job is next.
Only a week to go before the holidays!!!


Anonymous said...

What a spontaneous thing for Sophie to do, very enjoyable. It seems you all managed to have a relaxing time, well done, I think you needed it.

Mail Art Dramas said...

A good day out. We all need those once in a while.

Ali said...

Your day out sounded wonderful. I love being able to dip my toes in the water. It sounds like Sophie had one of those wonderful childhood days that she'll treasure forever. Keeping my eye out for the postie.
Ali x

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