Friday, 15 February 2013

Wax Batik Workshop

Each year we have taster sessions at school so that students can make informed choices for their options.  This year I decided to offer two activities.  The first we shall look at here and it was Wax Batik.  Above shows my sample on canvas.  I decided to use canvas so that once finished it could be taken straight home.
This is the Batik wax pot before it has been switched on.  We use small wax pellets.
This is the Tjanting tool and the liquid wax is put inside and comes out of the spout.  By using the spout you can control the was flow.  It does take a bit of getting used to.
They are available in different sizes.
Having a little practise on paper or card is always a good idea. We used silk paints on this occasion because they are very bright but also dry quite quickly.
I blended and mixed some ATC's at the same time.  Of course the wax tends to sit on the surface rather than soak in but this can add to the effect.
The silk paints can be blended with a wet brush and then dried even faster with a hair dryer if time is not on your side but you must be careful not to melt the wax with the heat of the hair dryer!!
The students could do anything they liked and due to the fact that they only had 30 mins for this activity, I think they did really well.
It was interesting to see what they all came up with.
There were 15 girls all chatting and looking at each others work and really having a lot of fun.
The colour combinations were very eye catching.
This is just a small sample.  I managed to take pictures of their work before they left and word soon got round as to what they had been doing.
I shall post about the other activity next time plus the outcome of the taster sessions.
There are loads of Youtube tutorials if you wish to have a look at Wax Batik  more closely.
A lot of fun with stunning results.


Anonymous said...

What a shame that it was such a short session, I bet the had a whale of a time. The results are good too.

Ali said...

Wow I wish I could come to your school it looks such fun. They came up with some really pretty designs.
If you popover to my blog I have nominated you for the super sweet blogger award, if you'd like to accept. I hope your having a good week.
Take care. Ali x

Annie Cholewa said...

Gosh, it's years since I did any batik! Lovely to read about enthusiastic kids giving it a go :D

Lisa said...

What fun that looks... I just love dye and fabric art..

Tatkis said...

I love all the results, and the technique is so interesting!


Wendy said...

This is something I have always wanted to do. Looks like so much fun and a great way to be creative. The possibilities are endless on a project like this.

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