Saturday, 1 December 2012

X-rayed and waiting......

On Wednesday I went to the local hospital to have both hips x-rayed.
(picture from google images)
On Wednesday I went to the local hospital to have of my hips x-rayed and hopefully in a weeks time I will have the results.
So now it is a case of waiting.  The painkilllers have been great but I can not stay on them forever.  However, today, it was quite painful.  It could just be the end of a tiring week.
Many thanks for all of your best wishes concerning my hip and it is surprising how wide spread this sort of problem is.  Your concern has been great.
Off Christmas shopping after my daughter's ballet lesson and I have no idea what do look for.
I am also looking to spend a bit of time on my blog too as I have been very absent recently and I have really missed reading all of your posts.
Not quite sure what has happened to my spare time at the moment, the day job seems to have taken over.   I am lucky to have a job but too much work is not healthy either. 
My swap parcel for the Chooky Blue Christmas swap arrived last week and is sitting on a shelf ready for Christmas, very tempting but I have not touched it since taking the brown envelope off!!  I was asked to open the card and decorations which I will post tomorrow seeing as it is the first of December.  I have just seen the is be off to my bed then.
Bye and take care all.


Chookyblue...... said...

glad your SSCS has arrived........

Twiggy said...

Hope you soon get sorted out, I have a cold and Twiglet has an old man's cough - roll on Christmas hols.
Twiggy x

Tatkis said...

Take care - hope your scan results would be good!

Have a lovely week!

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