Sunday, 2 December 2012

Posting pictures problem and a Christmas decoration moment.

Well I was going to post about my Chooky Blue swap but I am unable to upload any pictures.  I am being told that I have reached my maximum on Picasa unless I pay a monthly fee despite having deleted lots of unwanted pictures.  Also the pictures that I want to use are not even on Picasa, they are on my computer in My Pictures, which I deliberately save separately from Picasa.
Any suggestions?
Otherwise I am going to have to pay up.  Most of the pictures that i have can not be found in my Picasa area anyway unless they are hidden due to being full up, a bit like Flickr where only the most recent 200 pictures can be seen unless you have an upgrade.  The above picture is one of a few that I  have found in my Picasa online album but more recent pictures are missing(?).  This was the decoration that I made for a swap last Christmas.
Oh well,,,pass me my bank card someone...................
Have a good week and many thanks for the kind words about my Xray, I shall ring up at the end of the is coming week to see what the result is.


Chookyblue...... said...

that may help understand.......

Julie said...

A lot of people are facing this problem. We already pay under the old system so only pay a little. If you Google 'paying blogspot storage' you should find some links to help. All blog photos are stored in Picasa web files by Google and that's what they are charging for. There is a cheaper option listed than the one they are offering you (if I'm reading it right).

Carol said...

Quite a few bloggers have had this message during the last week, me included. Think they must be short of funds. I have received some good advice but not decided which option to go for as yet. (see comments on my last post)
Also, if you belong to ravelry there is a thread on the 'We Love Lucy' forum with a variety of options. The thread is entitled 'Blogger Help'.
Carol xx

Tatkis said...

Hi Andrea,
Have you seen Chookie's post about pictures in Picasa?
All your blog photos are sent there when you upload them (but in locked folder only you can see).
You can make every photo smaller in size because Picasa only counts big photos.

Your ornament is lovely!

Lynne said...

Hi Andrea, yes, I've recently been hit with the same problem. Lots of very kindly advice in the comments of my last but one blog post. (I rather panicked!) And someone tried to expalin about how the photos are stored and why, as I , like you thought that if I had them in My Pictures, that's where they came from. Apparently not. And I am so technologically inept I can't get my head round it. I paid up, grudgingly but have some advice which I am trying to understand, about re-sizing. Hope this helps Lx

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