Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Public Liability Insurance - A minefield

Hi All,
A lovely sunny day here in Seaford and I am thinking about..............

Public Liability Insurance!
Why?  You might ask.  
Well several colleagues have bought sewing machines recently and have also expressed an interest in being able to do certain projects on them.  A set of evening or day classes have been casually discussed and I would like to set some up just before and maybe during the summer.

My husband has a special insurance for working on boats but I need a reliable company which would have a range of insurance offers.  These classes may be just a few one-offs, could be once a month or every week.  I want to be covered but at a rice that does not result in me paying out more than the classes will bring in.  Just breaking even would dome at this stage.  I have googled it and looking at a couple of companies but is there is anyone who has just started out and found someone/company ideal for causal workshop public liability insurance or a  annual payment which has not put them in the red before they started!

I would be grateful or any suggestions.  The web site is in the the pipeline and the competition entries for a web name have been used to work out who has not already got that name.  There is another variation of Indigo Blue in Liverpool for example.  So I should have a winner soon, I have not forgotten.

Off to Lewes today which is lovely and sunny!


Wendy said...

I never thought about insurance for teaching small sewing/quilting classes, so I would be no help. I will be watching this for more information on the subject though.

Julie said...

I don't know whether it would be any use in your situation but my husband sells his photocards at craft fairs and at an indoor market and he buys PL Insurance from a company called G M Imber for about £55 a year or thereabouts. They are listed in Google and are based in London. They might be worth talking to. DH has had the isnurance for several years but so far thankfully we havn't had to use it.

Indigo Blue said...

Many thanks Julie, I shall look into this one.

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