Monday, 1 August 2011

I have done it!!

This morning, seeing as it is too hot to go outside at the moment, I thought I would give changing my blog background another go.
I was looking for something bright, colourful, with flowers and it did not have to be blue.
I decided to pop over to and take a look.
I did use one of their backgrounds ages ago and they helped me to changed my blog into a three column layout.
I looked through all of the designs, and there are a lot, and settled on the one that you can see.
It is called Lola and you can find it on page three of their backgrounds section.
I have a netbook so I can only see a thin border on my screen, but I have checked it on my hubby's full size laptop and I still like it.  So, for the coming year at least this is going to be my blog background.
Hope you like it.


Tatkis said...

It looks lovely! Congratulations with your new blog template!


Cindy said...

I love it!! I use Shabbyblogs also, they're great.

Hugs XX

Anonymous said...

I can see only a thin border too, should I see it more like the top picture? Perhaps it is because I have increased the text sizing? Still pretty though.

creativelenna said...

I like it very much, Andrea! Bright and cheerful on the sides, but clear and uncluttered in the middle. Your new design looks really good. : ) lenna

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