Beginning of September 2009
Next to the window is the patio doors.
There were some gaps in the tiling on the floor under the cupboards so we added some to level it out. Everyday stuff like washing had to still be done and you can see the little white oven that we ended up using for nearly 4 months.
This is the other side and I can really only describe this as like camping! You can see my bread making on the seating bit. Now I had bread making in the living room, upstairs in our bedroom, basically anywhere where there was a socket and no dust being created. We were like this until the beginning of November. We planned our IKEA kitchen on their website but one weekend that we were going to go the weather was really bad and then my In-laws were away because we did not want to have to take Sophie all the way to Bristol kitchen hunting. Eventually a suitable weekend came along and we went up after work on a Friday. nipped into IKEA and grabbed some catalogues then went back in on the Saturday and sorted it out in one go.
It was delivered at the beginning of December and we had a couple of weeks to try and put as much of it in as possible before Christmas. The delivery was on time,they took everything off the lorry carefully and were very friendly. Then the job of fitting everything. My Hubby had great fun as everything fitted together so well. We really would recommend IKEA and even though it is a 2hour drive there and back for us it was definitely worth it.Not too many boxes considering. You can see my weekly shop ended up in plastic boxes, could not find a thing most of the time.
The very first thing to be installed is this lovely oven. When we visited my sister-in-law she had just got one similar to this and by the end of the week we were smitten. After doing some number crunching and agreeing it was an investment, we took the plunge.
Drilling the hole through the wall to the outside for the extractor hood was so bad it could have shaken your fillings out of your teeth. A veeerrryyy long afternoon that one but Hubby fitted it all by himself and I do not think we annoyed the neighbours too much, well we tried not to. You can see the cupboards starting to be fitted and we had to shuffle things around the kitchen and in and out of the living room constantly. The poor old cat never knew where his bowls were going to be from one meal to the next!
We have actually moved on a bit from this picture until last night when we had to take up 1/4 of the flooring and one cupboard where the washing machine was. See previous post. I shall be back with an update and more pictures. Hubby has just been up stairs to say it all seems to be going back together ok so far, so please everyone fingers crossed!!!!
Take care
It is going to look absolutely wonderful, I am sure - I hope your weekend is not too traumatic!
Pomona x
can't wait to see it all finished! the cooker is lovely.
Josie x
Looking forward to the next update. It looks lovely.
You've been added to the 20 Minuters list. Enjoy your crafting. Don't forget to post pictures and keep us all updated.
Fi x
Oh my word that oven, I think I'm in love!!!
I have a serious case of 'oven-envy' ! (Do you think men ever get this...?!)
Hope your weekend goes smoothly and things go well with the kitchen. xx
Good luck wishes are with you guys as you continually tackle this revamp. You've done a great job so far and I'm envious of your patience! And also the stove, 'cause that's something I could love to play with.
Oh wow yourkitchen is going to be amazing. My kitchen is on my list of to do's - has been for the last 7 1/2 years I've lived in this house :(
have got everything crossed!!!
My fingers are firmly crossed! I'm not a kitchen Goddess but I love your new cooker.
Many thanks for the support ladies! Hubby is hard at work as I type this. Great to hear from you all. Back with progress soon. There may actually be a glimmer of light at this very long tunnel.
How exciting! I can relate to the stress of it all fingers are crossed for you both. Can't wait to see the next instalment. I love Ikea kitchens (two friends have installed them) and I'm sure it's going to look gorgeous!
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