The black bits are my knees and Tiger could smell something interesting, he had not spotted the package with the paw prints on!
This is a very happy cat!
Once Tiger was settled on MY chair with his new best toy we got back to looking in Nan's parcel and gosh there was a lot to look at. This could be a long post you know.
Inside Sophie's package where these lovely crochet gingerbread people and she has decided that they are her and me going for a walk. They quickly went up to her room to be hung up! I think that they will be in her room all year round.
Local Virginian Peanuts, very nice indeed. We both like peanuts so these will do down very well.
Sophie's new doll Rosy will soon have some new clothes as Nan kindly sent this pattern to help with creating Rosy's new wardrobe.
This picture shows a crochet candle at the back and a lovely flower. the gold piece is actually a locally grown cotton boll which has had the cotton removed and the pod sprayed Gold. It is attached to a small peg so that I can attach it to the tree. The lovely little crochet snow flakes were attached to decorate the packages but I carefully peeled them off so that I can keep them safe.
An example of locally grown cotton which I will show my textiles students. The example I have at school came from Harrods in London and is older then the eldest students!! I did not buy it I hasten to add.
These are rather nice and have the American flag on them too. Popped a few in my handbag for when I am out and about in the car.
Now look at this delightful little chap! His nest has been crocheted. The branch is also crocheted. He is surrounded by berries, golden twigs and mistletoe. The round bits are small balls of wool. I think that this looks just like Nannybird's blog logo. Go and have a look. What do you think?
This was a great parcel to receive and everybody had fun looking in all of the packages. nan must have spent ages packing it all as each package had a written description which made opening each one like reading part of a story. A great first swap for Nan and some great additions to my decorations.
Many thanks Nan!!
Wow - what wonderful work! I can't imagine being able to crochet that well - such intricate pieces. Can't wait to see the doll's clothes you make from the pattern.
Hello - thanks for the email asking how i was sorry it took me so long to reply. All well thank you very much. Cor what a lovely package. My little girl would be over the moon with the gingerbread people. I love the doll patterns. I am trying to think up a little beaded bag pattern for Martha from santa
what a fab package....and lovely work. I wouldn't have been able to wait until after dinner, I'd have been straight in there!!!
Just now, I have had THREE kick backs in my email of things I have sent to 3 different people, stating it was undeliverable. What the heck? I am so confused!
I am honored you spent a whole post to disclose the contents of your package, and embarrased at the same time that I didn't make more of an effort in wrapping things or making a card. Like I said, I am not very paper crafty!
What a fantastic parcel!!! I love the little bird in the crocheted nest and branch. Nan is very talented.
wow what a wonderful parcel of parcels! Do you need to retype your lost email? It should be in your sent box even if it wasn't recieved
: )
Great swap, the bird in the nest is so cute and the doll dress pattern looks good too your daughter will be delighted. How sweet of her to think of your cat also.
Yvonne x
Such an adorable cat!
Thank you so much for your kind words, i feel so glad to know so many wonderful caring ppl on here!xxxx
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