The looms included can make the shapes above. Some ask you to add an additional edging to the flowers once it has been taken off the loom. Here we have a chrysanthemum, Camellia, dahlia, orchid, daisy and a poppy.
The use of colour is key to these flowers, but it is also fun to see the combinations of colours, some are coming back into fashion and some that find hard to believe were ever in fashion in the first place!
The above shapes are fun too, I think that the star shape is made using raffia. We had a go at making a flower with the smallest loom in the box and it was really tiny when it was made, cute, ideal for children's clothing.
These cushions would be good in another colour scheme and the book explains how you can sew or link them together with crochet chains. Must need a bit of patience to make that many flowers.
I really like this bag (yes, I know, another bag) as I could actually see myself using it. May be in shades of blue or purple and possibly with the flowers on the flap instead of the main body of the bag.......oh dear, I can feel another project coming on again. NO! I must resist as I have three on the go already.
Again, a lot of flowers to make for this. Preparing for the photos for the instruction booklet must have taken ages to get ready.
This shawl looks really warm to wear, such a long fringe on it too. My cats would have a field day if I wore this.
I do not think that this top would look out of place today with a t-shirt and a pair of jeans with boots. This book has used rather a lot of the mustard yellow in its examples so you need to see beyond that I think. Still, I quite like this example.
So, there you go, a vintage flower loom with pattern book of what you can make with it.
Brilliant. At the moment I am going to make some more flowers to go on my new display for KNITTING which I started to put up today at school. Some students are also bringing in items that they have made during our after school knitting club. Lots happening.
Wow, I would never have thought you could make anything bigger than a brooch with those looms!
wow that looks brilliant, good look making things with it - looks so much fun. Especially like the look of the tablecloth.
I remember using these flower looms when I was younger. I had a hand knitted swimsuit that was covered in flowers. I remember clearly because I got it wet in the sea and got a telling off as it was not suppose to get wet(it takes no imagination to picture what happened)
Are you on half term this week? If so enjoy the break (yes I still remember doing the planning, marking etc etc in holidays)
My grandma just picked up a similar thing for me. I have yet to use it though. :)
I love that tablecloth, I've seen those flowers done before but never really liked them, just shows you what a little imagination can do and reminds me to keep my mind open!!!!
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